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Video and Transcripts of OSA events in Columbus, July 2004

Flip Benham at United Way of Central Ohio, July 20, 2004, 11:00 AM

 Video clip "Cesspool" - 1:45

So we're asking you brothers and sisters in the United Way, you who profess the name of Christ, to come out from among them. What does light have to do with darkness? Now if you can continue to shine the light of the truth in the United Way, then do it. But I'll guarantee you, this truth will not be tolerated in this dark filthy cesspool called the United Way. It is a disgrace before God, it is a disgrace in this nation, and it is a disgrace in this city. So we're gonna pray, together as we march.

Father in Jesus' name. We ask you to bring down this high place in Jesus' name. God we pray that all the power in heaven would be unleashed and that this place would be confronted with the truth and that the truth would reveal and expose the lie, that Father there are those in this terrible horrible organization that can repent and confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, that unborn babies deserve a defense, and that this organization would take its hands off of the money and let it go to places that will bring it to lift up the gospel of Christ, to lift the foundations of our founding fathers and what they gave us. God we pray that you would take this evil, in these blocks with all of the finances and all of the bricks and Lord you would bring it to to naught in Jesus' name.

 Video clip "End" (0:55)

Christian woman, Christian man in the United Way, it's time for you to speak the truth, to tell the truth about this horrible organization, and that God, there would be people set free. United Way, we leave you with the truth but the church is not going to leave you alone, nor is God. The reason that we're here is because God is contending with you, God himself. You are a foul organization, you have exchanged that which is sweet for sour, and that which is sour for sweet. You have lied about our Lord, you have lied about what you're doing with the money that is placed in your hands, and you are an abomination to this land. We pray for repentance, and we pray that the United Way would very quickly come to an end in Jesus' name, amen.

 Video clip "High Street" (1:03)

And I want you to know that, when you get an opportunity, I want you to go down High Street, when you get an opportunity, to go down High Street, right in the city. And you're gonna see in the homosexual section of this town, you're gonna see a whole bunch of signs on windows everywhere. It's amazing to me. Of their unwelcome and intolerance for simple Christian moms and dads and grandmas and grandpas and little boys and little girls who are living out their faith in the street. You wanna see some intolerance, drive down High Street and you'll see it. They don't want you here, they don't want to hear what you have to say, and as a matter of fact if they could they'd shut you up, and as a matter of fact if the truth be known they'll lock you up, and if they can lock you up they'll kill you, and that's comin' one day. You're gonna see it, because of our woeful silence in this time our children are going to suffer egregiously, they're going to spend years in jail because we did not speak up when we could and it didn't cost us so much.

The whole event in 4 parts...

 Part 1 (9:00)

 Part 2 (7:28)

 Part 3 (8:18)

 Part 4 (3:53)

Frank Pavone at Columbus City Hall, July 22, 2004, 12:20 PM

 Video (15:56)

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